This page provides some of the feedback from a learning engagement conducted in 2018, in which our client was a large tertiary education institution. The engagement spread over several weeks, and included up-front online discussions with participants, and a Workshop spread over 2 x 2 days. The 35 participants were faculty and administrative leaders as well as a few technical specialists, and most have postgraduate qualifications.
How do you feel about your overall engagement with us?
Participants were asked to rate their experience out of 100. The graph at the top of this page shows the results.
Participants’ comments
At the end of the course, participants were asked to provide their input on the way forward for the organisation. We are omitting these responses, as they are specific and confidential to the organisation. However, we include responses to questions pertaining to the presentation of the Workshop itself. In the answers below, the mark made by each participant on the bar is given after their response, to show the response in the context of the participant’s overall feeling.
What was the single most inspiring thing for you about the Workshop?
- The knowledge shared. | 110
- Set up of the Workshop. | 110
- Freedom to share concerns. | 110
- Eye-opening! Not for me per se, but for managers to open their eyes to what is going on. | 100
- Change is possible. | 130
- I liked when we interacted with the theory in our groups. | 70
- Knowing that things can change to improve our systems. | 80
- People’s honesty. | 70
- The Rule for Risk, tools for Project Management, PBS, WBS, Network Diagram, Gantt Chart. | 80
- The hope for a better organisational culture. | 60
- Willingness of participants to share and reflect. | 80
- There were very unique methodologies used to get the message across. | 70
- Feeding my soul and realising again the importance on spending time on things that are important. | 90
- Understanding the Quadrants. | 110
- That there are tools we can use to be effective in our organisation. | 95
- Learning about the Rule for Risk and your intellectual angle. | 100
- Design of the project on a Gantt Chart – the groupwork activity. | 60
- The opening of channels of communication where before perhaps we were [reticent]. | 70
- The set up or manner in which the workshop was conducted. | 110
- You engaged with the audience. | 110
- You had means/ways to be able to get meaningful feedback from us without fear of being victimised. | 110
- The realisation that we work with incredible people who are committed, highly skilled and passionate about what we do. | 120
- Day 2 ended with a sense that the team had some synergy in their thinking and objectives for the training. | 50
- The passion that Marius, Tania and Sam have about what they do. | 110
- The balance between the formal and informal environment of [our organisation] and playing it against Project Management. | 80
- Learn to work in Quadrant 2 and create buffering. | 120
- Your insight, knowledge and approach. | 130
- Rule for Risk! and associated issues. | 100
- Working with colleagues. | 20
- Seeing the link and importance of culture and having a clear vision. | 60
- “Seeing the light” ? | 125
And I also want to say…
- Thank you so much for this great tool that you’ve provided us with. | 110
- I hope to take all that was shared and implement this to make [our organisation] work smarter and not harder. | 110
- Thank you for reminding me of what I learnt back in 2010 in my PM class. | 100
- I don’t get to “create” or structure a project, so the reminder was awesome. | 100
- Thank you. | 130
- Thank you for your effort, guidance, always being neutral, trying your best to understand our workplace. | 70
- Analyse, as a group, in more detail our processes to get a better understanding of all our systems. | 80
- Enjoyed the sessions. | 70
- Extremely knowledgeable presenters. | 70
- Sometimes difficult to keep all the threads together. | 70
- Thank you, very informative. | 80
- The turn to culture was interesting but not at all what I expected. | 60
- Thank you. | 80
- The skills of the online examples should be applied with the participants as we worked on them and there was no chance to follow up. | 70
- The rating is not about you in total. If it was, then the score would be “better than expected” but I wish I had more time to engage and to engage more with colleagues. | 90
- I did not get what I expected, but I got something far more valuable. | 90
- I was totally impressed by the general knowledge and extensive use of examples by the facilitators, especially the reference to great authors and books. | 110
- We have been empowered to change and be constructive to achieve our goals. | 100
- Thanks for emphasis on an integrated approach, not on making it a task for one department (Culture is key). | 70
- Thank you. | 95
- This was a very different experience and more than just a Project Management course – but an overall time to connect with colleagues about our common purpose at [our organisation]. | 120
- The approach was exactly what we needed to go forward and improve our environment. | 120
- Day 1 & 2 were pitched and presented extremely well. Homework got us to dissect what we do and played with applying some PM principles. Then things changed… | 45
- Thank you for allowing us to open up. Some worms came out of the tins and hopefully change will know us by name. | 110
- Thank you for the empowerment. | 80
- Thank you sooooo much. I loved this! | 125
- Thoroughly thought provoking and insightful. | 120
- For the first time I have been inspired to add a range of books to my reading list. | 120
- You are amazing. | 130
- Thank you. | 100
- Thank you for sharing your passion of Project Management. | 60
- I love your non-traditional, non “Death by PowerPoint” approach ?!!! | 100